After Rain There Is Sunshine

November 28, 2016

Life can throw you the biggest challenges even when you find yourself located on one of the most beautiful islands in the world. As you may have read in my last post here and on my Instagram, Emiel and I have been hitting a very rough patch. Thankfully through a very strong support system and lots of quality time with each other Emiel and I have found a little peace and are trying to accept the fact that life comes with challenges. After numerous tears, we decided, we just have to keep the faith and keep ourselves strong. We shot these photos at Ngur Tavur Beach a few weeks ago during very happy times and I thought I could post them and say hi to all of you. Thankfully, we are doing a little better today!

What To Wear For Fall When It's Hot Out

November 6, 2016

Jacky Luxury, Burgundy velvet bomber, Leopard skirt, Motorhead shirt, Brooklyn Camera bag Michael Kors, HM ballerina espadrilles, Tamara Chloé, TC Style Clues, Namar, Kei Kecil, Indonesia

Jacky Luxury Embroidered velvet Bomber

While the Fall season is nowhere near the Kei Kecil Islands, I am trying to infuse my outfits with a hint of Autumn vibes.

Adding a velvet fabric and a leopard print to an otherwise summer look instantly changes it into something more Fall appropriate than wearing colorful pom poms and crochet dresses don't you think?