How To Beat The Heat On Your Next Tropical Vacay

May 27, 2016

Location: Kei Kecil Island - Indonesia

I might look completely zen and relaxed in these photos, but in reality I was sweating my ass off and were mosquitoes on full attack mode eating me alive. I have traveled to hot and humid climates before, but out here on the tropical Kei islands, it can get so warm, I don't know what to do with myself. I have adjusted here with just a few simple steps.  Like I told you guys in my previous posts, most of the clothes I packed were totally wrong for the weather out here in south east Indonesia. Are you traveling somewhere similar this summer? Here are a few tips for you that will help you enjoy your well planned summer vacation totally cool and chilled

1: Wear light and loose clothing

No matter how much you think your favorite super tight body con dress will look great in the summer sun, when you want to beat the heat, this one is defintely a no -no! Tight clothing makes it very hard for stickiness and sweat to evaporate from the body. I know this sounds like a no brainer, but I'd brought a bunch of tight fitted tops, dresses and denim rompers, which I was not able to wear, not even at night! When you want to stay as cool as possible, think loose flowy tops, A- line skirts, silk shorts and colorful tunic dresses. Choose natural fabrics like cotton and linen in a light color. Make sure your bras are not wired and opt for a comfortable bralette for support. If you want to look dressy on a night out you can wear pieces made of lace or crochet and add some extra oomph by pairing it with a pair of killer heels .Your favorite dress might not be skin tight, but it will still look festive and summer sexy and you will feel great all night.

2: Spritz yourself

Keep a spray bottle in the fridge and give yourself a good squirt when you start breaking a sweat. Of course you take it with you while on the go too. Just add some ice cubes. When spritzing, it's best to start at your wrist, ankles and feet. You will instantly feel better by doing this every hour or so.

3: Take a cold shower in the morning and apply a light non sticky sunscreen.

Beating the heat means taking good care of your skin. The sun is the number one cause of premature wrinkling, so do stock up on sunscreens with no less than 30 SPF. After a cold shower, apply sunscreen and wait until it has completely absorbed into the skin before heading out into the humid heat. If there is no AC in the room make sure you apply the sunscreen in front of a blowing fan to speed up drying. You do not want to go out in humid weather when the sunscreen is still sticky on your skin. It will make you break out in a sweat even more. Making you feel very uncomfortable, because the sunscreen will not be able to dry in humidity anymore. Results: a sticky wet feeling all day!

 4: Stay hydrated

A dehydrated body is not able to shield against blazing temps. Drink ice cold bottles of water straight from the fridge and when you're on the go, make it a priority to make a stop at a mini market or gas station every hour to grab a new chilled one. It makes a huge difference in how you feel and your skin will start to look great too.  Avoid beverages that contain alcohol, caffeine, or lots of sugar, which are dehydrating. Choose hydrating and light foods like fruits and fresh vegetables.Heavy meals can make you feel sluggish in the heat, so choose watermelons, papayas, pineapples, smoothies and light salads.

5: Rent a scooter, drive around and stay cool all day

This one needs no further explanation, when there is no escape from the heat and no air conditioner available, driving a scooter is a huge lifesaver! Think cool winds in your hair as an instant cool off! Me and Emiel were on these things all day!

 6: Wear a hat

More than just an accessory, the hat protects the scalp and face against the scorching heat,  a bad sunburn and also hides bad hair. Try to find a light colored hat made of a finer weave. They are a little bit more expensive, but they are a better shield against the heat. Think a panama and floppy straw hats as a fashionable touch to your summer outfit.

7: Wear comfortable shoes

I know this sounds like a big duuuuh, but seriously, I brought a ton of flat strappy sandals that were unbearable to wear in this heat. The straps made my skin break out in a heat rash and felt really uncomfortable even when just sitting down. The most comfy shoes are flat sandals with no straps or ties. Thankfully these sandals are totally back in style. I grabbed this tan colored pair at the local mall, but Zara has some great options too this season. Save your strappy numbers for night time events when it's a little cooler. 

Photos shot by EJC Maturbongs

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I hope these tips will help you a little bit on your next trip my friends. Where are you all heading for your vacation this summer? I am incredibly curious!

Thanks for reading everyone!

With love, Tamara Chloé

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  1. In love with your photos babe! You look amazing!


  2. Amazing photos, lovely your look

  3. Ever so DIVINE - best wishes on your recent engagement TC! So happy for you!

    Come check out the 3rd installment of my collab with Los Angeles based brand TOBI – I’m sure you’ll love it!!

    Happy Wednesday!!

