Meet my son Lyon

April 28, 2018

Hey you guys!

How are you all doing today?  I know it's been a while since my last post here. Seriously, I have been swamped with a lot of work for my projects in Indonesia lately.

I have also been busy designing the new TC Style Clues with a fabulous team of web designers and developers from Kotryna Bass. We have been busy for months now and honestly, I'm blown away with all the work that comes by it all. Designing, researching for colors, backgrounds, fonts and a lot more has been taken a lot of my time.

I feel like the new website will give me a new rush of inspiration to keep posting, so bear with me until the new blog is finished soon.

Okay, I am still in Amsterdam so let me introduce you to my son Lyon. Curious?  Keep on reading...
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A Few Tips On How To Wear The Puffer Jacket

March 13, 2018

Tamara Chloé, Quilted Puffer Jacket, Ultra violet sweater, Michael Kors camera Bag, Dr Martens Persephone Arcadia boots, Amsterdam, Skinny bridge

Amsterdam Amstel River
Out and about in Amsterdam and once again rocking a few trends at the same time. One of my favorite trends is the quilted puffer jacket. This post is a little overdue, as we are already entering spring real soon, but hey you can wear the trend well along into the new season too. especially here in chilly Amsterdam.

As much as I love classic pieces, I am a huge fan of new trends.  I love renewal, so I always pick up on the latest and freshest styles.

It has been cold still and this particular puffer jacket has been my life vest for the past weeks. No need to layer much. Just throw it over a sweater and I am warm and comfy. So while we're at it, let me share a few tips on how to wear the puffer jacket.


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How To Style The Metallic Shearling Coat The Cool Way

March 1 - 2018

Metallic shearling coat, Lavender baseball cap, Ultra violet, Dr. Martens Persephne Arcadia boots, Zara laid leggings, Amsterdam, Dam square

By now most of us have taken note that the oversized shearling coat has been trending and might be here for a few seasons. It's easy to figure out why. This classic-modern piece is easy to wear with just about any type of outfit and adds that instant coolness every modern woman is looking for.

 I've noticed that most of us like to keep it on the safe side by choosing this particular coat in black or even brown. Yep, the color black is fabulous, but why not try out two trends at once with a high-shine metallic version. You might wonder, how do I style such an eye-catching piece the cool way and not end up looking like you stepped straight out of an episode of Star Trek?

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5 Hottest Makeup Trends You'll Be Trying in 2018

February 20, 2018

Tamara Chloé, Ultra Violet, makeup trend 2018, Purple makeup

Are you bored and fed up with your regular makeup routine? Step out of the box with cutting edge new makeup trends that models, beauty bloggers, and A-list celebs have been rocking all over Instagram. No special makeup artist skills needed and totally easy to create. Move over to your makeup kit to try them out or shop a few products to create these hot 2018 trends. Hope you enjoy!


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Away With Hunkemöller Swimwear

Februari 11, 2018

Tamara Chloé, Hunkemöller Swimwear, Away Spa, W Hotel, Amsterdam

Away Spa, W Hotel Amsterdam
Yes, my friends, I am back in freezing Amsterdam and excited to get back to my usual grind.

Nowadays being busy women and always on the run, be it for our jobs, business, studies or even being a full time mom, we tend to forget to pamper ourselves every now and then.  My life motto is that in order to be successful in any field, we must charge our batteries from time to time. My favorite way to unwind is by stopping by at my favorite spa Away at the W Hotel right in the city.

Bali Travel - Featured In A Music Video Part 2

January 31, 2017


Hi my friends

Remember the music video we shot in Bali for German artist Jerome Walker last month? Well, it went live today. Yay! It's so cool to finally be able to share it with everyone. If you missed the behind the scenes story, you can go ahead and read about it here

Make sure to check out the video and I hope you guys like it. Have a spectacular day and thanks for stopping by everyone.

With love Tamara Chloé


Shop the video outfits here:

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Directed by: ImajiBali & Sined - Make up: by Dea Sudharsana

Indonesia Travel - Colors Of The Kei Islands

January 22, 2018

Tamara Chloé, Kei Islands, maluku, Tual, Rainbow Village, Bali bag

Tamara Chloé, Kei Islands, maluku, Tual, Rainbow Village, snake skin sandals
Happy Monday everyone!

Just a quick hello and here to share a few photos we took when I got back to The Kei Islands in South East Indonesia last month.

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you might know that my fiance Emiel and I visited The Kei Islands multiple times and even lived here for four months last year. I have also mentioned before that we in are in the process of starting up a few projects here. You can read more about that here. I couldn't help and stop by Rainbow Village in the city of Tual, strike off a tourist pose and show off these multiple colored Balinese sandals that totally match the scenery. It looked like they were made for each other right?

Five Reasons You Need To Visit La Laguna In Bali

January 8 - 2018 

Tamara Chloé, La Laguna, Bali, Bali bag, Indonesia

La Laguna Bali, Bali, Indonesa, Canggu

Bali is a paradise for Instagram enthusiasts. One of the most Instagrammable spots in Bali is the spectacular La Laguna in Canggu.

From the moment you enter this Spanish themed, boho-chic, gypsy- inspired beach club you are transported to a mystical and stunning world like no other. Add delicious bites and the best cocktails in town and you are in for an amazing visual adventure. Let me take you through this dreamy wonderland.

Life Lessons from 2017 & How To Make 2018 Even Better

January 3, 2018

 Happy 2018 everyone!

I hope you all survived New Year's Eve and had a spectacular time ringing in the new year with your friends and family. Even if you stayed in and watched Netflix all night like we did. I hope you enjoyed it to the max, because 2017 will never come back. This past week I had the time to fully reflect on the past year and I feel so good about it.

I am ready for a brand new start in 2018, how about you guys?

2017 was an amazing year for me with lots of travel, adventures, meeting great new people from all over the world, learning how to work on my relationship with my fiance Emiel and doing a few fantastic collaborations for the blog. Although 2017 was a great year on lots of levels, it also had low moments. It was in these moments I found strength I never thought possible. So let me tell you what I learned in 2017 and what I will change for myself in the new year ahead.

Bali Travel - Featured In A Music Video

December 22, 2017

If you are following along on Instagram, you might know that one of the reasons I came back to Bali is the fact that I was asked to feature as a "model" in a music video for German artist Jerome Walker.

 His new song "Never gonna give you up" released December 8 is already climbing the German DJ charts as we speak, so a video is about to go live soon. We had so much fun shooting this cool project, so go ahead and read on, and I will tell you some more about it...